Visit the farm

Come visit!

I live and work at Oxbow farm… in a yurt perfectly made for overnight visitors.  It’s only 40 min from Seattle in the gorgeous Snoqualmie River Valley, between the towns of Carnation and Duvall.

Come spend some time at the farm.  I would love to show you around and there is lots to see and do.  There’s a bike trail that literally goes past the front door.   Come for a getaway,  take a farm tour, eat some of the freshest veggies you can imagine, pitch in with some good honest work, float down the river and etc!  I guarantee you a good time!

I will be working two Seattle farmers markets as well, so hopefully I’ll see you there when you come down to stock up on veggies.  They are Ballard (Sundays 10-3) and Madrona/Capital Hill (Fridays 3-7)!

Here are a few pics of some visitors to my Bainbridge farms during 2010: